Tag: Bolt Action

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Painting & Modelling, Stage-by-Stage Guides

Painting Afrika Korps Vehicles by Andy Singleton

Chief Paint Miner at Volley Fire Painting Services, Andy Singleton is becoming something of a regular here on the Warlord Games website – with a huge range of articles sharing tips, tricks, and step-by-step guides on how to have your models tabletop-ready in next to no time! Lately, he’s been pouring over our most recent Bolt…

Black Powder, Bolt Action, English Civil Wars, Latest Products, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815, Pike & Shotte, Thirty Years War

Highlight: Ye Olde Town

Delving into the battles on Old English Soil? Then here’s a perfect way to create a stunning backdrop or objective for a game! Sarissa Precision kits are easy to assemble and great value for money. We offer a number of large bundles of their buildings, giving you an entire table’s worth of terrain in a single one-click…