Tag: British Army


Webstore: Dad’s Army: Walker

Walker can get hold of anything – for a price! As a black market spiv (or ‘wholesale supplier’, as he prefers to be known…), regularly interrupts Mainwaring’s long-winded speeches. Walker is a popular if somewhat shifty member of the platoon. During the dark days of 1940, Britain was under dire threat of Nazi invasion. A…


Webstore: Dad’s Army: Rev. Farthing & Verger

One half of the double act played with the Vicar, the Verger fawns over Reverend Farthing, often referring to him wrongly as “Your Reverence”. Clearly antagonistic of the Home Guard he often refers to them as ‘vanadals’ due to damage caused to the Church Hall in which the platoon meet following their HQ being bombed….


Webstore: Cromwell with burlap camo

Burlap camo was a type of netting which was very popular with Commonwealth armies during W.W.II. It differs from ordinary netting in that it has attached to it many strips of material which hang down looking like strips of tape. One metal and resin Cromwell tank. Note: Models supplied unassembled and unpainted