Tag: British

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Gallery: Achtung – Commandos!

Everyone loves Commandos (well, maybe not that nasty Herr Hitler…) and so without further ado here is a selection of our Commando models beautifully painted by Andres Amian Fernandez. There’s even a little surprise for you… We also have snaps of these forthcoming Paul Hicks sculpts – Commando Vickers K LMG teams. These great new…

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New: Vickers Light Tanks!

As we continue to re-release the miniatures and vehicles we acquired, as part of our purchase of BEF Miniatures from Ian Crouch, we are taking the opportunity to remaster them for resin production. The latest two vehicles for the forces of His Majesty’s Commonwealth are two variants of the Vickers Light tank – the mark…

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New: BEF 2 Pdr Anti-Tank Gun!

Giving your brave Tommies a fighting chance against the advancing panzers this classic British Anti-tank gun has been remastered and is available once again. Have a gander here… More commonly known as the 2-pounder, the Ordnance QF 2-pounder (QF standing for ‘quick fire’) saw action primarily in the invasion of France in 1940 and during…

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Gallery: A Very British Aerosan…

Simon Purdue (AKA Ook) took our Soviet Aerosan model and converted it for use in his games based in the Very British Civil War setting. Take a look at Simon’s very cool conversion below. When Simon saw our new Aerosan it screamed Very British Civil War. Whilst historically it’s a genuine Russian invention, the Heath…