Tag: British


Webstore: Dad’s Army: Mainwaring

Manager of Swallow Bank by day, leader of Walmington-on-Sea’s Home Guard force by night, Mainwaring is a pillar of the community and portrays the never-say-die spirit that saw Britain through it’s darkest days. That said, his pompous approach and over-inflated sense of self-importance gets him into bother more often than not… During the dark days…


Webstore: Dad’s Army: Frazer

“We’re doomed!”. Frazer’s catchphrase is amongst the most popular of the series as the dour Scotsman sees the bleak side of many a plan. The wild-eyed Frazer saw service during the First World War as an officer (and cook) in the Navy and as a result balks at the incompetence of the platoon’s officer and…


Webstore: Downed RAF Pilot

Originally only available with pre-orders of our plastic German Infantry, our Downed RAF Pilot, Squadron Leader ‘Topper’ Redfern, is now available separately The Squadron Leader is sculpted having just bailed out of his Spitfire after taking a hit!