Tag: Bronze Age


Webstore: Early Nubian and Libyan command

It is not known whether the early Libyan and Nubian tribes used standards or musical instruments in battle or what they appeared like. However, as many wargamers like to include them, this pack satisfies this need. The Libyan Standard is based upon the Early Egyptian Nome Standard for the western desert which is perhaps appropriate…


Webstore: Levy Slingers

These figures can be fielded as levies in regular armies or in nomadic armies, of the Early, Middle and Late Bronze Age. The group have a sling and dagger and are dressed in either knee-length kilt, tunic or long robe. Such simply dressed slingers can


Webstore: Bronze Age Paint Set

We at Warlord have put our heads together and sorted out the colours that we use to paint models, saving you the time looking through paint codes and giving you more time actually putting paint to model. Fantastic chaps that we are, we’ve also knocked


Webstore: Ugaritic chariot

Canaan and Syria in the Late Bronze Age consisted of numerous small city-states such as Megiddo, Kadesh and Ugarit, who were vassals or allies of the surrounding greater powers such as Mitanni, Middle Kingdom Assyria, New Kingdom Egypt or the Hittite Empire. The cities also either fought against each other for dominance in the region…