Webstore: Sir Thomas Fairfax

Sir Thomas Fairfax ,also known as “Black Tom” due to his dark hair and eyes was a leading Parliament General in the
Sir Thomas Fairfax ,also known as “Black Tom” due to his dark hair and eyes was a leading Parliament General in the
Armies of the ancient near east used trumpets to signal orders to their units. These trumpets are still used in traditional Iranian music today. Their are few depictions of Persian standards in art, we do know that each Persian commander had a pe
Contains 3 Metal Models. Supplied unpainted
The command is equipped in the same manner as the Sparabari command, except that the leader wears a bronze 'Mesopotamian' style helmet as described by Herodotus. The horses tails are also tied at the ends is shown on some Achaemenid art. I
Born in Prague in 1619 the son of Frederick V, Elector of Palatinate, Prince Rupert was the nephew of King Charles I. Rupert first campaigned in the Thirty Years War at the age of 14, and was held hostage in Austria for 3 years until released wi
The commander of the heavy cavalry would have been very high ranking, perhaps even a member of the royal family. He carries a mace and golden akniakes., similar to ones found at Persepolis. The standard carries the kings royal symbol beaten into a shee
Pack contains 3 mounted metal figures Note: Models supplied unassembled and unpainted
Arguably the most famous and feared troops in the Persian army, the Immortals were the best troops the Persian army could field and only ever took to the field when the King did. The musician bears the typical trumpet of the period. He has no shi
Contains 4 Metal Models. Supplied unpainted