Tag: Concord


Webstore: Concord Combined Command Starter Army

The military of the Panhuman Concord is organised and directed by a branch of the IMTel called the Concord Combined Command – otherwise known as CoCom or more commonly as C3. The Concord responds to threats against it with logical ruthlessness, organising and dispatching heavily armed forces throughout Antarean space. The Concord armed forces are…


Webstore: Concord Nu-Hu Mandarin (Female)

The ruling elites of this society are New Humans or NuHu. Hyper-intelligent, tall, and eerily androgynous, the NuHu are the undisputed Mandarins of the Panhuman Concord. They are very few in number and spread thinly amongst the vast population of the Concord. What makes the NuHu different from other humans is that they have co-evolved…


Webstore: Concord NuHu Mandarin

The ruling elites of this society are New Humans or NuHu. Hyper-intelligent, tall, and eerily androgynous, the NuHu are the undisputed Mandarins of the Panhuman Concord. They are very few in number and spread thinly amongst the vast population of the Concord. What makes the NuHu different from other humans is that they have co-evolved…


Webstore: Concord C3 Drop Squad

Drop troops are the most heavily armoured and armed of the Concord Combined Command’s Strike forces. Their role is to spearhead assaults onto enemy held planets, and capture and hold objectives without the support of conventional heavy equipment. For this reason Drop Squads are heavily armed with powerful plasma weaponry including the ferocious plasma lance,…


Webstore: Concord C3 Support drone with Plasma Cannon

In the Antarean universe ‘drone’ is a cover-all term for self- aware machines that are capable of intelligent decision-making. Drones have a sense of identity and personality, although some have only rudimentary or narrowly focussed characters depending on their role. Concord Weapon Drones are usually employed to carry support or heavy weapons. They are propelled…


Webstore: Concord Plasma Light Support Drone

In the Antarean universe ‘drone’ is a cover-all term for self- aware machines that are capable of intelligent decision-making. Drones have a sense of identity and personality, although some have only rudimentary or narrowly focussed characters depending on their role. Concord Weapon Drones are usually employed to carry support or heavy weapons. They are propelled…


Webstore: Concord Support Team X-launcher

An X-launcher is a portable magnetic launcher that hurls explosive missiles, bombs or special munitions packages, such as Arc, Blur, Scramble, and Scoot. They are bulky weapons, and their regular explosive ammunition resists full compression due to the charge. They are of limited value on the battlefield unless they can be emplaced or set-up in…