Tag: Frostgrave


Webstore: Frostgrave Soldiers

A Frostgrave Soldier’s role is to accompany his Wizard employer into the frozen city, to fight their opponents, beat off wandering monsters and grab any treasure found. This box set of hard plastic figures allows you to build 20 different Soldiers to play in the game Frostgrave. To help you design the perfect Wizard’s warband,…


Webstore: Flesh Demon & Stone Construct

Constructs are artificially created objects that have been imbued with a magical semblance of life. Most commonly they are made in the shape of humans and in such cases are generally called golems. That said, constructs can be of any form. In the glory days of the city, creating a living construct out of ordinary…


Webstore: Large Construct

Constructs are artificially created objects that have been imbued with a magical semblance of life. Most commonly they are made in the shape of humans and in such cases are generally called golems. That said, constructs can be of any form. In the glory days of the city, creating a living construct out of ordinary…


Webstore: Major Demon

Demon is actually the more common term for ‘extra-planner entity’, that is a being that comes from another dimension or plane of existence. Few of the demons in Frostgrave have come of their own free will or for their own purpose; most have been ‘summoned’ by ancient wizards and imprisoned in some form. Demons are…


Webstore: Small & Medium Construct

Constructs are artificially created objects that have been imbued with a magical semblance of life. Most commonly they are made in the shape of humans and in such cases are generally called golems. That said, constructs can be of any form. In the glory days of the city, creating a living construct out of ordinary…


Webstore: Imp Demon & Minor Demon

Demon is actually the more common term for ‘extra-planner entity’, that is a being that comes from another dimension or plane of existence. Few of the demons in Frostgrave have come of their own free will or for their own purpose; most have been ‘summoned’ by ancient wizards and imprisoned in some form. Demons are…