Tag: German Army

Konflikt '47, Latest Products

New: KF’47 German Pz IV-X

View in Store The Panzer IV X The Panzer IV chassis proved ideal for experimenting with new weapons derived from Rift-tech. The most prominent of these is the Panzer IV X that mounts a gravity pulse cannon (the Schwerefeld Projektor). Still only produced in limited numbers, its success in battle means it will undoubtedly be…

Konflikt '47, Latest Products

New: Konflikt ’47 German Schreckwulfen

Available now to expand your German Konflikt ’47 forces come the feared Schreckwulfen Squad! View in Store Less controversial than the animated corpse programme, the soldier enhancement division at Dresden has worked tirelessly to enhance German soldiers with the DNA of animals to radically improve their fighting ability. One of the more stable and successful…

Konflikt '47, Latest Products

New: German Heavy Infantry KF’47

The Wehrmacht Heavy Infantry Squad bull their way forward through the war torn ruble strewn streets and hit hard into action: View in Store Rift-tech was rapidly used in the development of heavy armour for the Wehrmacht to ensure casualties in intense operations were kept to a minimum. One of the first nations to introduce…

Konflikt '47, Latest Products

New: Spinne Light Panzermech

The Spinne Light Panzermech, combining the agility of an infantryman with the armour and firepower of a heavily built armoured car. View in Store The Spinne (Spider) speed and agility makes it almost the perfect recce vehicle for close terrain and urban environments. The open-turret allows the gunner/commander to maintain anti-air overwatch and maximises his…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - US, Gaming & Collecting, Tactics

Head to Head: M7 Priest Vs the Wespe

In this Verses article, Andy Singleton of VolleyFire painting compares two superficially very similar, yet very effective vehicles from the armouries of Germany and the United States., namely the M7 Priest and the German Wespe self-propelled gun. M7 Priest As the war in Europe and Africa expanded and military observers in the United States keenly…