Tag: German

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New: German 88mm Flak gun!

One of the biggest, most impressive products in our Bolt Action range is the German 88mm gun. It also compromised of loads of parts. We’ve taken the opportunity to remaster the models, refresh the crew and simplify the process for building it. Look through your rangefinder here to find out more. The dreaded ’88’ –…

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Preview: Early war Waffen-SS

As we did with our German Army and Belgian Infantry, we’ve refreshed the original Waffen-SS which we picked up as part of our purchase of BEF Miniatures. The new models will be released soon but before we popped them into a mould we thought you’d like to see what is on the way… It shouldn’t…

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New: Sd.Kfz 221 armoured car!

Another armoured car to add to the arsenal of the Third Reich, the Sd.Kfz 221 was a light reconnaissance vehicle armed with either an MG34 or 28mm sPzB41 anti-tank rifle. You can get it for your army right Heer, right now… This vehicle is supplied with both weapon variants allowing you to choose the armament for your…

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New: German Utility Tractor!

As the German war machine stormed across Europe the forces of the Third Reich made good use of captured equipment and vehicles. One such acquisition from the fall of Belgium is the Vickers Utility tractor which was pressed into German service as the Artillerie Schlepper VA 601 (b). Add this charming little artillery tractor to…

Bolt Action, Latest News

They’re Back For Halloween!

Last Halloween we released two new packs: Out for the Count, which comprises of an SS Vamphyr and his nemesis, a British Army Vampire Hunter, and Ein, Zwei, Die! which provides you with plastic components with which you can make Nazi Zombies! Both of these are now back on sale for a short while –…

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New: Early War Germans!

Zut alors! Ze Boche iz ‘ere! Now you can field Hitler’s armed forces as they storms across Europe with their blitzkrieg tactics sweeping all before them. Take a peak out of your pillbox and have a look at what is heading your way… Full squad consists of 2 NCOs with MP38 Sub Machine Guns, 2-man…

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Gallery: Wittman’s Dingo

Neil Burt (AKA Troop of Shewe) has converted our Daimler Dingo and Michael Wittman figure into something a bit exciting. Take a look at Neil’s handiwork here. The conversion was based on, and inspired by, this  photograph of taken in August 1944, France of s.SS-Pz.Abt.102. This was a fairly heavy conversion as Neil used an…

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Preview: Early War German Infantry

As we start to rerelease the early war range we bought from BEF Miniatures we’ve taken the opportunity to refresh some of the infantry sculpts. This has started with the Germans as you can see here. In addition to tweaking the poses and bringing the weaponry in line with their late war counterparts so we…