Tag: German

Bolt Action, Latest News

Re-release: Daimler Dingo!

Another remastered Bolt Action vehicle – this time the ever-popular Daimler Dingo scout car. One of the most widespread scout cars in the British and Commonwealth armies. The Dingos were the unsung heroes of the armoured and infantry division’s reconnaissance regiments as well as the army level recce regts. Fast and light; they may not…

Latest News, Showcase

Model Of The Week: Raus!

One of the most popular models in the Warlord miniatures cabinets is this set of German grenadiers alighting from their Hanomag and into action. Model of the week this time is courtesy of our own Paul Sawyer. Unsurprisingly it comes from our Bolt Action range… Paul: When we show visitors around Warlord HQ you can…

Latest News

Preview: Puma!

Arguably one of the best-looking armoured cars of the war the Sd.Kfz 234/1 ‘Puma’ is on it’s way! Have a look at the work-in-progress and don’t forgot the wipe the drool from your mouth…

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Preview: Bolt Action Flak 43!

Whilst we’ve been hard at work adding new vehicles, armies, etc to our Bolt Action range of WWII miniatures we’re not about to forget the big guns! We’ve managed to grab a few sneaky photos of the flak 43 sitting on Paul’s desk whilst he was out grabbing a bacon butty… The Flak 43 was…

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Re-released: Bolt Action Schwimmwagen!

The latest resin vehicle in our range to be made available again is the classic German scout vehicle – the amphibious Schwimmwagen… Ah, the Schwimmwagen. What’s not to love? Four wheel drive, a drop-down propellor, paddles, and built in wheels/rudders. Nice! If VW cranked out a modern version today, they’d sell out in minutes! Our…

Bolt Action, Latest News, Showcase

Preview: More SS!

Big Gazza has worked his painting magic on the Waffen-SS range once again! This time on more future releases lending more punch to your SS force… …and some sizzle to your squad with a Flammenwerfer 35! As usual with this range it has separate heads as part of our Figure Head system. This means you…

Latest News

New: Plastic Bolt Action German Infantry!

Achtung! Our eagerly awaited plastic German Infantry boxed set is now available! This is the first plastic Bolt Action boxed sets and reflects German landsers in mid-late war. They are a multi-pose extravaganza and a modeller’s dream. Don’t take our word for it – check them out! Here are some examples painted by the irrepressible…