Tag: Metal


Webstore: Boromite team with X-Launcher

An X-Launcher is a portable magnetic launcher that hurls explosive missiles, bombs, or special munitions packages, such as Arc, Blur, Scramble, and Scoot. They are bulky weapons, and their regular explosive ammunition resists full compression due to the charge. They are of limited value on the battlefield unless they can be emplaced or setup in…


Webstore: Special Endoskeletons

The Special Endoskeletons blisters includes three metal endoskeletons to bolster your Terminator armies, namely: a Command Endoskeleton equipped with command array, plasma rifle and advanced sensors. Perfect to command your forces, increase their Machine-like efficiency and override the vagaries of Fate. a Twin-gun Endoskeleton equipped with two plasma rifles. This killing machine can target two…


Webstore: Ice Toad & Snow Leopard

Ice Toad. These large, slow amphibious creatures have devastatingly powerful jaws, but are otherwise weak. Generally it is just best to avoid them. Snow Leopard The largest and most vicious of the big cats around Frostgrave, the snow leopard is a dangerous hunter. They have no fear of humans and will attack if they are…