Tag: Metal


Webstore: Downed RAF Pilot

Originally only available with pre-orders of our plastic German Infantry, our Downed RAF Pilot, Squadron Leader ‘Topper’ Redfern, is now available separately The Squadron Leader is sculpted having just bailed out of his Spitfire after taking a hit!


Webstore: Kriegsmarine Squad

The men of the Kriegsmarine were often asked to do more than serve at sea. U-Boat and ship crews could be found in land actions in many theatres, wearing their trademark blue sailor’s uniforms or the grey-blue U-Boat leathers as they took the fight to the enemy. The German Navy (or Kriegsmarine) had the…


Webstore: Robin Hood

Nottingham’s most famous son, Robin Hood has been a star of stage and screen for decades. Famously outlawed for giving to the poor the wealth he stole from the rich, Robin and his band of merry men lived in the leafy protection of Sherwood Forest. Hunted by the dastardly Sheriff of Nottingham and his lackey,…


Webstore: Freeborn Support Team with Mag Light Support

Magnetic weapons (or ‘Mag Weapons’ for short) propel a metallic, metal-coated or metal-cored projectile by means of a powerful magnetic pulse. The projectile itself takes the form of a spike, needle, sliver or plug. Small Mag weapons are fed by a magazine, however the larger, more sophisticated weapons carry their ammunition inside of an inbuilt…