Tag: Metal


Webstore: Concord Targeter Probes

Probes are small hovering unarmed drones surrounded by a cloud of nanobots. They are simple machines with limited and specific intelligence. Targeter probes exude nanobots that feed information back to the parent probe, which in turn sends its nanobots to nearby friendly units, where they feed information into the unit’s combat shard. As spies in…


Webstore: Flesh Demon & Stone Construct

Constructs are artificially created objects that have been imbued with a magical semblance of life. Most commonly they are made in the shape of humans and in such cases are generally called golems. That said, constructs can be of any form. In the glory days of the city, creating a living construct out of ordinary…


Webstore: German Heer MMG team (Winter)

Germany’s aggressive campaigns of conquest ensured that her armies would fight in many countries far from the fatherland and in starkly contrasting terrain and weather conditions. German soldiers were well-equipped for their venture into Europe, and later North Africa, but found themselves ill-prepared for the bleak, freezing and unforgiving Eastern Front. When the Russian armies…