Tag: Metal


Webstore: Illusionist & Apprentice

Some times taunted for being mere stage magicians, an experienced Illusionist can be a dangerous foe. Illusionists use magic to fool the senses, to cause confusion and fear, and to convince people of things that aren’t true. In dress, Illusionists are usually colourful, preferring bright, multi-coloured robes, cloaks and hats. Illusionists rarely wear weapons or…


Webstore: Necromancer & Apprentice

Necromancers study the magic and spells associated with death, as well as the creation and control of undead creatures such as zombies and animated skeletons. They generally wear dark colours (most commonly black), and tend to have a sickly, unhealthy appearance. While necromancers are not necessarily evil, there are few that have delved deeply into…


Webstore: Sigilist & Apprentice

Sigilists work magic through reading and writing. They are the masters of languages, both living and dead, and can see the magical patterns in writing of all types. Most famously, they are the writers of magical scrolls and books, which allow mystical energy to be saved within writing for use later. In appearance, Sigilists tend…