Tag: Metal


Webstore: British Paratroop Section

With trademark red beret and armed with Sten and Bren Guns the British Airborne were determined and tenacious, as only the British Tommy can be. Striking German forces with precision and speed during actions at Pegasus Bridge, the Merville Battery and during Operation Market Garden in Arnhem, the Red Devils became legendary. Few divisions in…


Webstore: Concord Nu-Hu Mandarin (Female)

The ruling elites of this society are New Humans or NuHu. Hyper-intelligent, tall, and eerily androgynous, the NuHu are the undisputed Mandarins of the Panhuman Concord. They are very few in number and spread thinly amongst the vast population of the Concord. What makes the NuHu different from other humans is that they have co-evolved…


Webstore: Luftwaffe Field Division Squad

After the the initial spectacular success of the German invasion of Russia in 1941 the invasion slowed to a crawl as the weather and hard fighting ground down their formations. Desperate to shore up the front seven regiments were formed of non-flying personnel taken from the German air force, the Luftwaffe. These regiments were equipped…


Webstore: Heavy Weapons Endoskeletons

Skynet is ever developing new weapons in its attempt to wipe out the Resistance. The most feared is the flamethrower endo – a terror weapon that is perfect to flush the humans out of their hideouts. The missile launcher endoskelton has been design to take out at long range the few remaining tanks, helicopters and…