Tag: Metal


Webstore: Great Britain Army Builder

Build your army from the selections available to you in the drop down boxes, make sure you choose your free tank too. This army gives you all the models you need for getting started in Bolt Action with an army from Great Britain or alternatively will get you started with a new army at a…


Webstore: Boromite Labour Guild starter army deal

The Boromites were bred as a specialised workforce – adapted to handle incredibly difficult and dangerous tasks in hostile environments. Though they are naturally a itinerant and insular species, they will take up arms if attacked or wronged – using adapted forms of their work tools to defend their own. This great deal aimed to…


Webstore: Concord NuHu Mandarin

The ruling elites of this society are New Humans or NuHu. Hyper-intelligent, tall, and eerily androgynous, the NuHu are the undisputed Mandarins of the Panhuman Concord. They are very few in number and spread thinly amongst the vast population of the Concord. What makes the NuHu different from other humans is that they have co-evolved…