Tag: Metal


Webstore: Freeborn Command Squad

The Freeborn are merchants and traders, pursuers of wealth, influence and power within Antarean space. Their numerous fleets maintain a free-flow of commodities and technology between human worlds and beyond. The neutral status of the Freeborn allows their ships to travel easily between antagonistic societies such as the Isorian Shard and Panhuman Concord, and the…


Webstore: Snow Troll

Large, dumb, and dangerous, the shaggy snow trolls encountered in the city are not to be taken lightly. Trolls consider anything that is living and smaller than themselves to be food and will not hesitate to attack anyone they meet. Thankfully, trolls are generally slow, and in most instances can be outrun or avoided. Made…


Webstore: Egyptian Chariot Squadron

The Eighteenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth dynasties comprise the age of the Egyptian New Kingdom (1550-1077BC). During these years a succession of warrior pharaohs led Egyptian forces in wars of conquest, southwards to Nubia and northwards to Canaan, Amurru and Syria. At the forefront of the pharaohs’ armies were the most powerful weapons of the new…


Webstore: Japanese Island Defence Force 1500pt

The Special Naval Landing Force troops were some of the best of all Japan’s fighting men. Deployed in amphibious landings, their well planned and fanatical attacks won them many victories. If however they encountered a determined defence their light equipment often meant defeat. After one such defeat by an Australian force at Milne Bay, New…


Webstore: Concord Support Team X-launcher

An X-launcher is a portable magnetic launcher that hurls explosive missiles, bombs or special munitions packages, such as Arc, Blur, Scramble, and Scoot. They are bulky weapons, and their regular explosive ammunition resists full compression due to the charge. They are of limited value on the battlefield unless they can be emplaced or set-up in…