Tag: Metal


Webstore: The Ghoul King

Despite his title and appearance, the Ghoul King is a revenant, not a ghoul. How he escaped his necromantic master and rose to lead a pack of ghouls will likely never be known. The Ghoul King has been a minor power amongst the ruins since the city’s rediscovery, though few wizards actually know of his…


Webstore: Egyptian Archers

Archers were an important part of the Egyptian army, if not the most important part of all. The powerful composite bow, made from laminated strips of wood, was probably introduced by the Hyksos invaders prior to the New Kingdom, and was certainly in use by Egyptian troops from the time of Akhenaten (the Amarna period…


Webstore: Guardian on Bike (metal)

This T-800 cyborg infiltrator has been sent back in time to protect Sarah Connor since she was a child, and to train her so that she would be ready for the struggles ahead. Guardian, or ‘Pops’ as Sarah affectionately calls him, has spent a long time amongst humans, learning to blend in and becoming a…


Webstore: Panther (Ersatz M10)

It is the 5th December1944 and SS-Obersturmbannführer (lieutenant Colonel) Otto Skorzeny desperately tries to gather men and equipment for the offensive due to start just a few days later. Skorzeny was famous for his daring rescue of Mussolini and perhaps more so his special commando units employed in operation ‘Greif’ part of the ‘Wacht em…


Webstore: Bolt Action getting started bundles

Perhaps you’re looking for a present for a friend – or sneakily you’re secretly plotting to spread the good word of Warlord and convert some new gamers to Bolt Action? – then look no further! Buy any of our 1,000pt Boxed Army Deals and their accompanying ‘Armies of’ book – and we’ll include a pack…