Tag: Metal


Webstore: John Connor and LT (metal)

The Resistance has many rugged individuals – those that survive look to John Connor to lead them, and whilst he’s elsewhere others step up to the mark as his trusted lieutenants. Able to react to threats from Skynet, adapting to the fast paced situational changes of the battlefield and able to give concise direct orders,…


Webstore: Wraith Knights

Wraith knights are the most powerful creations of the Lich Lord. They appear to be suits of heavy armour containing nothing but a black emptiness and a pair of burning eyes. Although capable of some independent thought, they are unfailingly loyal to the Lich Lord and are thus immune to control by any other spellcaster….


Webstore: T1000 and Infiltrator (metal)

T-1000 infiltrators are made of mimetic polyalloy – liquid metal. This allows them to change their shape at will, from imitating any human they have come into contact with, as well as any item of equivalent mass. As well as being extremely strong, they can form stabbing and cutting parts out of their limbs, becoming…


Webstore: Dad’s Army: Wilson

A distinguished veteran of the First World War, Arthur Wilson is something of a ladies man – as his effect on Pike’s mum shows! A man of breeding, Wilson has a less than authoritarian approach to discipline “would you mind awfully falling in please?” followed by “thank you so much”. During the dark days of…


Webstore: Italian Build an Army

Build your army from the selections available to you in the drop down boxes, make sure you choose your free tank too. This army gives you all the models you need for getting started in Bolt Action with an army from Italy or alternatively will get you started with a new army at a fabulous…