Tag: Metal


Webstore: Algoryn AI Assault Squad

The Algoryn Armoured Infantry – or AI – are the elite fighting force of the beleaguered Algoryn Prosperate. For centuries the Algoryn have been at war with their brutal neighbours, the barely human and utterly merciless race of Ghar. To survive against these implacable aggressors the Algoryn have developed a militarised society in which every…


Webstore: French Build an Army

Build your army from the selections available to you in the drop down boxes, make sure you choose your free tank too. This army gives you all the models you need for getting started in Bolt Action with an army from France or alternatively will get you started with a new army at a fabulous…


Webstore: German Grenadiers in Winter Clothing

Germany’s aggressive campaigns of conquest ensured that her armies would fight in many countries far from the fatherland and in starkly contrasting terrain and weather conditions. German soldiers were well-equipped for their venture into Europe, and later North Africa, but found themselves ill-prepared for the bleak, freezing and unforgiving Eastern Front. When the Russian armies…