Tag: Metal


Webstore: KV-2 heavy tank

The KV tanks were a series of heavy tanks, named after the Soviet defence commissar and politician Kliment Voroshilov. Known for their extremely heavy armour protection during the early part of the War, especially during the first year of the invasion


Webstore: Finnish MMG Team

Faced with the vast forces of the Soviets, the courageous and resourceful Finnish soldiers, masters of fieldcraft, sniping, and small unit tactics, slowed and then began to roll back the massive Soviet assaults. Pack contains 1 meta


Webstore: Ostfront command

Throughout February, we’re giving-away a free Soviet miniature with every customer order over £50.00 – however – upon announcing this, we were overwhelmed by a deluge of customers calling us, sending emails and messages to ask whether the exclusive models were available to purchase separately… so, for those Soviet Commanders out there, we’re going go…