Tag: New Releases


Webstore: Senegalese Tirailleurs Infantry section

West African troops from France,s colonies provided fierce and loyal troops to the French army in two World Wars. Though raised across France’s territories in west, central and east Africa, they took the title Senegalese in honour of the first black Tirailleur regiments formed in Senegal. Ever since the 1850s France had recruited troops from…


Webstore: Dad’s Army: Godfrey

Although well-liked by the others in the platoon, retired shop assistant Godfrey’s relaxed demeanour, weak bladder (“Do you think I might be excused?”) and tendency to fall asleep can lead some to see him as a bit of a liability. Godfrey’s true background shows something far from it, however… During the dark days of 1940,…


Webstore: Egyptian Chariot I

The Eighteenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth dynasties comprise the age of the Egyptian New Kingdom (1550-1077BC). During these years a succession of warrior pharaohs led Egyptian forces in wars of conquest, southwards to Nubia and northwards to Canaan, Amurru and Syria. At the forefront of the pharaohs armies were the most powerful weapons of the new…


Webstore: Warlord Games Day Ticket 2015

NB. Tickets will be sent out nearer the event & free special edition figure of Winston Churchill to be picked up on the day. For Junior Tickets click here. Following the huge success of last year’s event, Warlord Games Day 2015 has been booked in for Saturday 29th August – put the date in your diary…


Webstore: Freeborn X launcher Team

An X-Launcher is a portable magnetic launcher that hurls explosive missiles, bombs, or special munitions packages, such as Arc, Blur, Scramble, and Scoot. They are bulky weapons, and their regular explosive ammunition resists full compression due to the charge. They are of limited value on the battlefield unless they can be emplaced or setup in…