Tag: New Releases


Webstore: Japanese Type 4 Ke-Nu light tank

With the Type 97 Chi-Ha medium tanks undergoing up-armament and therefore a new turret, older Chi-Ha turrets were surplus to requirements. A use was found for them by marrying them to the hulls of the Type 95 Ha-Go light tank, giving birth to the Ke-Nu. Approximately 100 of this hybrid light tank were produced. Although the…


Webstore: Freeborn Support Team with Mag Light Support

Magnetic weapons (or ‘Mag Weapons’ for short) propel a metallic, metal-coated or metal-cored projectile by means of a powerful magnetic pulse. The projectile itself takes the form of a spike, needle, sliver or plug. Small Mag weapons are fed by a magazine, however the larger, more sophisticated weapons carry their ammunition inside of an inbuilt…


Webstore: Bronze Age Paint Set

We at Warlord have put our heads together and sorted out the colours that we use to paint models, saving you the time looking through paint codes and giving you more time actually putting paint to model. Fantastic chaps that we are, we’ve also knocked