Tag: Pike & Shotte


Webstore: Battle-ready Windmill

Paul has made a fantastic Windmill and will look great on any gaming table and suitable for many time periods This is a fully assembled and painted gaming piece, that is ready from delivery straight to the gaming table, and no need to worry abou


Webstore: Armoured Pikemen

 This pack of Amoured Pikemen are great for adding variety to your exsisting pike units and increasing their size, or building a new one entirely from scratch. These are great characterful models with a great amount of detail for you painter

American Civil War 1861-1865, Black Powder, English Civil Wars, French Indian War 1754-1763, Latest Products, Pike & Shotte, The Crimean War 1853-1856, Thirty Years War

New: Resin Breastworks Set

Our new resin Breastworks come ready painted from Paul’s Modelling Workshop and can be placed straight onto your Pike & Shotte or Black Powder battlefields. These temporary earthworks were thrown up to breast height to provide protection to defenders firing over it from a standing position. The Breastworks come in modular sections so you can set…

English Civil Wars, Latest Products, Pike & Shotte, Thirty Years War

New: Pike & Shotte Engineer Working Party

Out today is the hard-working Engineer Working Party for Pike & Shotte, standing ready to build your siege lines and earthworks: It was not all marching and fighting in 17th century armies. Roads were normally appalling and needed to be  mended, widened or drained. Bridges needed building, repairing, strengthening or demolishing. Houses, great and small could…

English Civil Wars, Gaming & Collecting, Getting Started, Pike & Shotte, Uniforms & History

Collecting an English Civil War Army – Where to Start?

Pike & Shotte author Steve Morgan gives some pointers on how to start collecting and painting an English Civil Wars army: Steve: Many gamers steer clear of wargaming the English Civil War simply because they don’t know where to start. In other periods there are clear directives for regiment sizes, uniforms, banners and formations which naturally…