Tag: Pike & Shotte


Webstore: General Purpose Wagon

A General Purpose Wagon typical of those used by civilians and armies on almost every Continent during the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries (This is not the military GS Wagon). This wagon will enhance any gaming battlefield as an important objective

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New: Pike & Shotte Cuirassiers!

Thundering into Warlord HQ and a store near you are the heavy cavalry of the Pike & Shotte period – the Cuirassiers! If Dragoons a bit lightweight for your mission and regular cavalry hasn’t got enough punch, you need big blokes in plate armour atop huge warhorses! Cue the Cuirassiers. The term Cuirassier literally translates…

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Updated! Preview: The Devastator!

Updated: 23rd July, 2010 You saw him in the ‘green’ – now see Alisdair ‘The Devastator’ Mac Colla in all his painted glory: Standing at 7-foot tall, Alisdair ‘The Devastator’ Mac Colla was a larger than life character in every way. Right hand man to the Marquis of Montrose, Mac Colla was a legendary figure….

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New: Pike & Shotte Army Deals!

As we’ve released loads of new miniatures for our Pike & Shotte range over the past few months we’ve taken the opportunity to revamp our special offers and army deals. There’s never been a better time to start that new army or add to your existing force – there’s plenty of cash to be saved…

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Plastic Fantastic!

In the Warlord office we’re all feeling a little bit down after England’s* World Cup performance. At time like this we find ourselves building more toy soldiers to cheer ourselves up. And we were doing just that when we realised that the entire country was probably feeling down and could do with a smile. To…

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New: Irish Brigade Reinforcements

The Irish Brigade were a Brigade of three veteran regiments brought over from Ireland by Charles 1. They were all largely Irish and Catholic and had been fighting for some time in the Thirty Years War in Continental Europe.They formed the hard core of the Marquis of Montrose’s forces in his titanic struggle for control…

Latest News, Pike & Shotte, Showcase

Gallery: King Charles I

Resplendent in ornate cuirassier armour and sat astride his trusty warhorse, Charles Stewart cuts a fine figure as he commands his forces in the field. We recently received this lovely paint job from Dale Yates and couldn’t wait to show it off! Divisive but powerful, Charles I was the King of England, Ireland, and Scotland….

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New Release: Pike & Shotte Scots Lancers!

Now your Scots Covenanter force can add speed and punch with this great new Scottish Cavalry boxed set – the Scots Lancers! Scotland’s Covenanter armies fought hard in all of the three civil wars in the British Isles and, indeed, on the Continent as mercenaries for various Protestant states and Kings. The Covenant armies were well-equipped…