Tag: Pike & Shotte

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New! Pike & Shotte Montrose Irish

Long-awaited and eagerly anticipated, the Montrose Irish are upon us! There are few armies in this period that conjure up such romance as the Earl of Montrose. This handsome, daredevil Cavalier raised a small, disparate but highly effective army that smashed their Covenant lowland Scots foes time and time again in a series of short…

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New! King Charles I

Ultimate authority or the root of all evil – which way you describe King Charles I is all down to whether you favour Parliament or Monarchy. Now this excellent miniature is available for our award-winning Pike & Shotte range! Divisive but powerful, Charles I was the King of England, Ireland, and Scotland. Although he was…

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Preview: Pike & Shotte Commanders!

Our award-winning Pike & Shotte range grows apace and we have stacks more in the pipeline for you! To show that we’re not ‘all mouth and no trousers’ here’s a crafty look at a couple of forthcoming releases – King Charles I and the Earl of Montrose! Divisive but powerful, Charles I was the King…

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Updated! Pike & Shotte Highlanders

Those of you on our Facebook group will have seen one or two of our forthcoming Pike & Shotte Highlander models. As we’ve now recieved 32 new sculpts we couldn’t help but show you one or two more! We’ve previously showed off the lovely artwork for our Irish Brigade box. Now following a similar theme…

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New! Pike & Shotte Petard Assault Team!

Now you can add some serious punch to your army in the form of this two-man petard team and a bodyguard of five dismounted cavalry lobbing grenades and taking the fight to the enemy. So, whether you’re preparing a siege or wanting to disrupt enemy emplacements this will do the trick. With great cannon hammering…

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New! Scots Dragoons

Warlord’s own John Stallard is having something of a funny turn. Espousing the goodness in all things Scottish he’s had to sent away for a week’s rehab. Before he was take away we managed to grab a few miniatures he’d been working on – Scottish Dragoons! Warlord are giving your Covenanter infantry some much-needed support…