Tag: Pike & Shotte

News & Announcements, Pike & Shotte, Stockists

Oliver Cromwell’s House is proud to stock Warlords Games

We are very pleased to announce that the visitor attraction, Oliver Cromwell’s House in Ely, Cambridgeshire is now stocking Warlord’s Pike and Shotte Tabletop Wargames range in its Gift Shop. Visitors to the Lord Protector’s House, the only Cromwell residence still in existence other than Hampton Court, welcome the Warlord’s range which complements our more…

Black Powder, Bolt Action, English Civil Wars, Latest Products, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815, Pike & Shotte, Thirty Years War

Highlight: Ye Olde Town

Delving into the battles on Old English Soil? Then here’s a perfect way to create a stunning backdrop or objective for a game! Sarissa Precision kits are easy to assemble and great value for money. We offer a number of large bundles of their buildings, giving you an entire table’s worth of terrain in a single one-click…

Community, English Civil Wars, Painting & Modelling, Pike & Shotte, Showcase

Showcase: Lord Thomas Hawksby’s Pike & Shotte Musketeers

Lord Thomas Hawksby’s regiment is a fictional English Civil War Parliamentarian Infantry Regiment of Pike, Shotte and an attached Company of Firelocks created by the very skilled ‘Mikeland’. Mikeland’s OldEnglandGrownNew blog tells of the daring tales, adventures and characters of his regiment in 28mm miniatures, words, photos and pictures. Here’s just a taste: Where are your old…

Latest Products, Pike & Shotte, Wars of Religion

New: Wars of Religion Pikemen & Arquebusiers

Whether you’re commanding Spanish Conquistadores, English Tudor armies or Christian defenders of Malta, these Pikemen & Arquebusiers stand ready. The 16th Century was a period of conflict and discovery. All across Europe armies were formed to extend Empires and consolidate power. At the forefront was the might of the Spanish Empire which had developed the Tercio as…