Tag: Plastic Fantastic Box Sets


Webstore: Soviet Winter Infantry plastic box set

When the German army crashed over the Russian border in 1941, Hitler was confident of a short, sharp campaign. He nearly got one, but heroic defence by the massive Soviet armies slowed the Nazi advance. It was done by the simple private soldier, “Ivan” as the Germans called him. Brave, solid, and loyal, these soldiers…


Webstore: Pike & Shotte Cavalry plastic boxed set

The 17th Century saw large standing armies in action all over Europe, in numbers previously undreamt of, and huge numbers of infantry, artillery and cavalry were raised. The cavalry of the period were mostly of the heavy variety; big horses that could barge other enemy cavalry and intimidate infantry, while carrying a determined rider protected…


Webstore: Commandos!

Striking from the sea, most often from the dark, the army and naval Commandos caused great apprehension to German sentries and garrisons all over occupied Europe in their daring hit and run raids. The brainchild of Winston Churchill himself who had see