Tag: Plastic

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Preview: Bolt Action British Command!

As we prepare for the British Infantry – second set in our plastic Bolt Action range to be released – we thought you’d like to see some of the supporting metal miniatures we’ve had sculpted. Let’s start by showing off the British command pack… This command pack will be just the thing to help your…

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Preview: More plastic Bolt Action British 3-ups

You’ve already seen a couple of the 3-ups for our forthcoming Bolt Action British Infantry plastics. It is now time to show off a couple more! This British infantryman is sporting a fine moustache and a PIAT (Projector, Infantry, Anti Tank). Both very useful in the face of opposing tanks. You’ll also notice the trademark shovel…

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Updated: Halloween Specials!

Little Steve of the Warlord sales team is an excitable little soul. Around this time year even more so than usual as he gets giddy at the thought of ghosts, ghouls and mugging little kids for the Trick or Treat candies. Fear not, for we’ve harnessed his delirium to bring you two fun releases just…

Latest News, Mantic Games

New: Mantic Releases!

We’re well known for our historical miniatures but we also sell Mantic Games’ fantasy miniatures. For those of you so inclined (and why wouldn’t you be?) we’ve got a bunch of new Mantic releases to satisfy you! Don’t dither though – the new Undead Army set is in high demand… All good armies are lead…