Tag: Plastic

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New Release: Plastic Praetorian Guard!

It’s taken a little longer than expected but our latest multi-part, hard plastic Kit – The Praetorian Guard – are here and available to add to your Imperial Roman armies! The Praetorian Guard were the Emperor’s elite bodyguard as well as acting as Rome’s police force. Often filling its ranks with the sons of nobles…

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Warlord Games – award-winning miniatures!

What a great Christmas present for us all here at Warlord – Tabletop Gaming News readers have voted our plastic Imperial Roman Legionaries boxed set as ‘The Best Historical Miniatures of 2008‘. It’s an incredibly humbling experience – especially when you consider the competition we’ve been up against. We’re absolutely delighted with this award as…


Webstore: Frostgrave Undead Encounters

We’ve teamed up with Mantic Games to bring you a great collection of Undead creatures, the kind of horrors you find creeping around Frostgrave. This box set of plastic figures gets you: 10 Skeletons 4 Ghouls 3 Zombies Perfect for your random encounters. Figures are all taken from Mantics Kings of War fantasy range. Made…


Webstore: Concord Combined Command Starter Army

The military of the Panhuman Concord is organised and directed by a branch of the IMTel called the Concord Combined Command – otherwise known as CoCom or more commonly as C3. The Concord responds to threats against it with logical ruthlessness, organising and dispatching heavily armed forces throughout Antarean space. The Concord armed forces are…

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Rank and File in a Snap

Tired of finding your laser-cut wooden bases are a few millimetres out, ruining your attempts to rank your units up? Not fond of the height of Slottabases? Fear not for salvation is at hand in the form of our new plastic base sprues! The frame not only includes single 20mm square bases but ‘regimental’ bases…

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Eye Candy

This is nothing to do with new releases or events we’re attending. Far better than that – loads of photos of great looking models just for the hell of it! With the gaming press and many websites wanting a piece of Warlord Games we’ve had plenty of snaps taken of our painted models for articles,…