Tag: Plastic

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Tribal Warfare!

The news so many of you have been waiting for is here – our Celtic Warriors hard plastic boxed set is released week commencing 9th June! This, the second Warlord Games plastic boxed set, contains 30 multi-part models and optional extras such as standard variants, severed heads and spare weapons. Also included are full colour…

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The official magazine of the Society of Ancients has a new editor in Mark Watson and as a result has seen something of a makeover. Hats off to all involved in producing Slingshot – this issue is a belter! We’re somewhat humbled to have been chosen to have one of our plastic Legionaries on the…

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In Review

With more and more gamers collecting our miniatures we’re seeing plenty of great reviews in magazines and websites. As we get them we’ll post them here for you. We’re absolutely chuffed to bits at how well the plastic and metal Romans have gone down with you all and are looking forward to seeing what you…


Review of Imperial Romans

The following review was written by Rich Jones (formerly editor of Wargames Journal) for the Warhammer Ancient Battles forums. I like hard plastic, always have. For years I have secretly wished for a range of historical figures in the vein of GW plastics … suddenly at the end of last year the buzz was that…

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Made in Britain

With the first of our plastic boxed sets now unleashed upon the gaming world it’s time to take a deep breath and give due credit to some of the people who have made all of this possible… Whilst Warlord Games is the brainchild of Paul and John, we are so much more than that with…

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Imperial Roman Legionary sprue unveiled!

We’ve teased and tantalized you with close up images of our plastic sprues for the last few days but we reckon you’re now ready for the full thing! There will be two types of sprue in our Imperial Roman Legionaries boxed set – the first of our Imperial Roman plastic sets. This first sprue is…

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Barbarian! Celt Preview…

We’ve been keeping images of our superb forthcoming 28mm multi-part hard plastic Celts under wraps for some time now but now we’re ready to unveil one of the menacing, tattoo-covered warriors to an unsuspecting world… We’re very proud of this plastic set – we feel it sets the bar very high for plastic historical miniatures….