Tag: Plastic


Webstore: Foot Knights 1450-1500

The fully armoured Knight or Man at Arms formed the backbone of all European medieval armies, often fighting on foot when the need arose. This box builds 38 armoured men, with weapon options including poleaxes, pole hammers, single-handed and hand and a half swords. They can be used for the armies of England, France, Burgundy,…


Webstore: French Chasseurs a Cheval

Formed originally back in 1743, the Chasseurs à Cheval (mounted hunters) were hard riding, green clad light cavalry whose main role was patrolling and raiding for the French armies. A good Chasseur was at home on his light horse, skirmishing with the enemy cavalry or scouting enemy movements and thus providing valuable intelligence for their…


Webstore: Tiger I Ausf. E heavy tank plastic box set

The Tiger was hurried into action on the Russian front as a response to the heavier Soviet tanks that had caught the Wehrmacht unawares. Its massive square body and rounded turret was an intimidating sight to enemy tankers. The armour was tremendously thick and made of quality steel, making it largely invulnerable, at least frontally,…