Tag: resin


Webstore: Japanese Island Defence Force 1500pt

The Special Naval Landing Force troops were some of the best of all Japan’s fighting men. Deployed in amphibious landings, their well planned and fanatical attacks won them many victories. If however they encountered a determined defence their light equipment often meant defeat. After one such defeat by an Australian force at Milne Bay, New…


Webstore: Panther (Ersatz M10)

It is the 5th December1944 and SS-Obersturmbannführer (lieutenant Colonel) Otto Skorzeny desperately tries to gather men and equipment for the offensive due to start just a few days later. Skorzeny was famous for his daring rescue of Mussolini and perhaps more so his special commando units employed in operation ‘Greif’ part of the ‘Wacht em…


Webstore: Bolt Action getting started bundles

Perhaps you’re looking for a present for a friend – or sneakily you’re secretly plotting to spread the good word of Warlord and convert some new gamers to Bolt Action? – then look no further! Buy any of our 1,000pt Boxed Army Deals and their accompanying ‘Armies of’ book – and we’ll include a pack…