Tag: RNG2


Webstore: Dad’s Army: Wilson

A distinguished veteran of the First World War, Arthur Wilson is something of a ladies man – as his effect on Pike’s mum shows! A man of breeding, Wilson has a less than authoritarian approach to discipline “would you mind awfully falling in please?” followed by “thank you so much”. During the dark days of…


Webstore: New: American Civil War Battle Set

The American Civil War raged for four years between the Northern and Southern states from 1861-1865. In the box you will find enough miniatures to represent eight regiments of infantry, four Union and four Confederate, plus two artillery pieces and crew per side, one unit of cavalry per side as well as a general each….


Webstore: Dad’s Army: Walker

Walker can get hold of anything – for a price! As a black market spiv (or ‘wholesale supplier’, as he prefers to be known…), regularly interrupts Mainwaring’s long-winded speeches. Walker is a popular if somewhat shifty member of the platoon. During the dark days of 1940, Britain was under dire threat of Nazi invasion. A…


Webstore: Dad’s Army: Rev. Farthing & Verger

One half of the double act played with the Vicar, the Verger fawns over Reverend Farthing, often referring to him wrongly as “Your Reverence”. Clearly antagonistic of the Home Guard he often refers to them as ‘vanadals’ due to damage caused to the Church Hall in which the platoon meet following their HQ being bombed….


Webstore: German Grenadiers in Winter Clothing

Germany’s aggressive campaigns of conquest ensured that her armies would fight in many countries far from the fatherland and in starkly contrasting terrain and weather conditions. German soldiers were well-equipped for their venture into Europe, and later North Africa, but found themselves ill-prepared for the bleak, freezing and unforgiving Eastern Front. When the Russian armies…


Webstore: Pike & Shotte Ordnance Battery

It was a rare thing for a general in the 17th Century to take to the field without an artillery train to intimidate and pulverise the enemy lines. These cannon and mortars were terrifying weapons, belching smoke and flames with a frightening roar that no simple country lad was likely to have heard before. The…


Webstore: Ghar Battle Squad (Plastic)

The Ghar were forged in the forgotten depths of time with one purpose – to wage war! They are feeble and helpless creatures without the protective battle armour that all Ghar warriors wear to battle. Once encased within their metal shells, physically attached by plugs inserted into their spines, they become stronger and more powerful…