Tag: RNG2


Webstore: Ghar Flitters

Ghar Flitters are not probes in the same way as those of advanced Antarean societies such as the Concord. Flitters are tiny fragile flying cameras with mechanical wings a little like a bat. They fly in a jerky, irregular manner and are attracted towards movement, but are not even remotely intelligent machines. They broadcast pictures…


Webstore: English Army 1415-1429

The figures in this box represent the English Army at the height of the Hundred Years War, when the English bowmen dominated the field of battle in France. Specifically the figures cover the period from the Battle of Agincourt (in 1415, when they were led by Henry V) to the Siege of Orleans (1429, when…


Webstore: Dad’s Army: Mainwaring

Manager of Swallow Bank by day, leader of Walmington-on-Sea’s Home Guard force by night, Mainwaring is a pillar of the community and portrays the never-say-die spirit that saw Britain through it’s darkest days. That said, his pompous approach and over-inflated sense of self-importance gets him into bother more often than not… During the dark days…


Webstore: Lieutenant Dick Winters

Made famous as the main character in the TV show Band of Brothers, Major Winters was the highly decorated commander of ‘Easy Company’, part of the US 101st Airborne Division, during World War II. We found reference to Lt Winters’ dog tags and decided these would make a great display base for the model with the upper…


Webstore: Cromwell with burlap camo

Burlap camo was a type of netting which was very popular with Commonwealth armies during W.W.II. It differs from ordinary netting in that it has attached to it many strips of material which hang down looking like strips of tape. One metal and resin Cromwell tank. Note: Models supplied unassembled and unpainted


Webstore: Finnish Rifle Squad

The vast Soviet military machine that invaded Finland during the Winter War of 1939-1940 was stunned by the lightly armed but intensely motivated and skilled Finnish troops. The Soviets were outfought despite hugely superior weight of numbers. Although eventually seeking terms the Finns had delivered a harsh lesson to their rapacioius neighbours. When the Soviet…