Webstore: British Army Six Pounder AT Gun

A model of the British
FOOs were assigned to a company or squadron of a battalion or regiment that their battery was supporting. In the British artillery system FOOs were always authorised to order fire commands to their own troop or battery, based on their assessment of the
What ho! Those frightfully good chaps at Warlord have sculpted some top brass for their WW2 Commonwealth range.
One of the unsung weapons to see action during the war, the 3 inch Mortar, served throughout the conflict and in all war zones, it provided British Army and Commonwealth personnel with the capability to lob explosive projectiles against enemy emplaceme
Initially developed to overcome the more heavily German tanks encountered by the British during the North African campaign, the 17-pdr was used from 1942 onwards throughout Europe and in Africa. It was the most formidable anti-tank gun developed by the
This pack of Amoured Pikemen are great for adding variety to your exsisting pike units and increasing their size, or building a new one entirely from scratch. These are great characterful models with a great amount of detail for you painter
A combination of priest, healer, scholar and spiritualist, the Druids inspired loyalty and great feats of arms in their Celtic charges. The Romans hated and feared the Druids in equal measure, singling the Druids out as public enemy numb
This pack contains 1 each of the Chieftain models. Saves you £1 on buying them seperately! Models come supplied unassembled and unpainted
The standard German medium mortar of the war was the 81mm Granatwerfer 34. It was a very effective and accurate weapon that could provide long-range fire support, and was used throughout the conflict on most thestres. A mortar crew consits of th