Tag: Soviet


Webstore: KV-2 heavy tank

The KV tanks were a series of heavy tanks, named after the Soviet defence commissar and politician Kliment Voroshilov. Known for their extremely heavy armour protection during the early part of the War, especially during the first year of the invasion


Webstore: Winter Soviet Infantry company deal

Deal consists of two boxes of Soviet Winter Infantry plastic box sets and two Gaz AAA trucks. When the German army crashed over the Russian border in 1941, Hitler was confident of a short, sharp campaign. He nearly got one, but heroic defence by the massive Soviet armies slowed the Nazi advance. It was done…


Webstore: Soviet Winter Infantry plastic box set

When the German army crashed over the Russian border in 1941, Hitler was confident of a short, sharp campaign. He nearly got one, but heroic defence by the massive Soviet armies slowed the Nazi advance. It was done by the simple private soldier, “Ivan” as the Germans called him. Brave, solid, and loyal, these soldiers…


Webstore: Soviet Naval Brigade box set

Front: The hardened sailors of the Baltic and Black Sea Fleets took to land to help drive the German invaders from the Motherland. Such was their fierce reputation their enemies quickly named them ‘The Black Death’… The Soviet Baltic Fleet and most of the Black Sea Fleet were bottled up in harbour by the German…