Webstore: British D-Day Landing Force

1 x LCD Landing Craft 1 x British Infantry
Note: Models supplied unassembled and unpainted
Pack contains 5 metal miniatures Note: Models supplied unassembled and unpainted Tank not included!
The most produced Cruiser tank of the European theatre! Armed with a potent 75mm gun and with good cross country performance this vehicle was more than a match for the venerable Panzer IV! Though sadly it was still outclassed by the German “Big Cats” Cromwells were used in the 7th armoured division and in the…
Box contains 1 plastic tank, leaflet and decal sheet.
The Tiger was hurried into action on the Russian front as a response to the heavier Soviet tanks that had caught the Wehrmacht unawares. Its massive square body and rounded turret was an intimidating sight to enemy tankers. The armour was tremendously thick and made of quality steel, making it largely invulnerable, at least frontally,…
The Char B1 bis was an upgraded variant of the Char B1 with thicker armour and an APX4 turret with a longer-barrelled (L/32) 47mm SA 35 gun, to give the tank a real anti-tank capacity. It was the main production type from 8 April 1937 until June 1940.
With the Type 97 Chi-Ha medium tanks undergoing up-armament and therefore a new turret, older Chi-Ha turrets were surplus to requirements. A use was found for them by marrying them to the hulls of the Type 95 Ha-Go light tank, giving birth to the Ke-Nu. Approximately 100 of this hybrid light tank were produced. Although the…