Tag: Terrain item


Webstore: Roman Ox cart

Oh yes, the Roman Ox Cart, even after Marius reformed the army – he had each soldier carry several days food with all his impedimenta – the army still needed to be resupplied on campaign by hundreds of Ox carts and Mule trains. These supply cart


Webstore: Flaming Light

  The Flaming Light is most useful. Put one in a tower to simulate a beacon or a fireplace and it looks great. Put one or two in a log cabin to show its been torched. Pop one in the hull of a brewed up tank with the turret askew – loads of


Webstore: General Purpose Wagon

A General Purpose Wagon typical of those used by civilians and armies on almost every Continent during the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries (This is not the military GS Wagon). This wagon will enhance any gaming battlefield as an important objective