Tag: transports-tows


Webstore: Ram Kangaroo

Created by the Canadian commander Lt-General Guy Simonds as an expedient way of reducing losses in his infantry and to be able to manoeuvre along with the tanks, the Ram Kangaroo served the forces of the British commonwealth well henceforth. The concep


Webstore: Schwimmwagen

The Schwimmwagen was adapted from the Kubelwagen to produce a four-wheel drive amphibious vehicle. It was widely used – and not just in an amphibious role – fulfilling a similar function to jeeps in the Allied armies. This vehicle was in use thr


Webstore: Kubelwagen

The Kubelwagen was the military version of the Volkswagen and proved a reliable, rugged and much-liked little workhorse that saw action on every front from the start of the war. Although it lacked the four-wheel drive of Allied Jeeps, this was c