Tag: transports-tows


Webstore: M21 Mortar Carrier Half-track

Bringing support fire to your mobile forces with the M21 Mortar carrier, ideal for winkling out those dug in infantry! By the middle of the war the US Army could field legions of tanks and support vehicles, backed by the industrial might of the USA. Using their reliable M3 Half-track as a basis, they created the…


Webstore: Guy Ant Truck

15CWT TRUCKS These smaller trucks are the equivalent size to a US ¾-ton vehicle and they perform the same kind of roles as weapons carriers and general-purpose utility vehicles. The Guy Ant, Morris CS8 and its replacement the C4 are typical of the kind. As the war progressed their role was taken by larger trucks,…


Webstore: 18/25pdr Gun and Limber (BEF)

LIGHT ARTILLERY The standard British field gun of World War II was the 25-pdr gun-howitzer, a versatile weapon with a calibre of 3.45 inches (87.6mm). This was the weapon used in overwhelming numbers in every theatre, We categorise the 25-pdr as a light field gun for our purposes – although it was really an intermediate…