Tag: Waffen SS

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New: Bolt Action Waffen-SS!

Allied soldiers beware – the Waffen-SS are here! Dedicated and unflinching, aggressive and uncompromising, the soldiers of the SS provided the Allies with a tenacious and stubborn opponent. The new Bolt Action SS range is the first to feature our Figure Head optional head system – now you can give your army ultimate variety and…

Bolt Action, Latest News, Showcase

Gallery: Tom Weiss

When you see that a pro painter has put paint top your models you are often delighted. When you hear that painter is none other than Tom Weiss you really sit up and take notice! The supremely talented Mr Weiss has worked his magic on our Bolt Action WWII range. Bring on the bad guys!…

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Now Available: German Ospreys!

Good lord – more Osprey books? You bet your sturmgeschutz! These invaluable reference books are a wargamers dream and we’ve added a stack relating to WWII Germans this week. Achtung Schweinhund! German Armour and Vehicles: • Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf.G, H and J 1942–45 (New Vanguard #39) • Jagdpanzer 38 ‘Hetzer’ 1944–45 (New Vanguard #36) •…

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New Release: Bolt Action Tiger I Tank!

The latest vehicle to be added to our Bolt Action range of 28mm WWII miniatures is the iconic German Tiger tank. In fact we’ve taken things a step further as this is no ordinary Tiger – it’s Tiger ace SS-Obersturmführer Michael Wittman’s tank. We’ve even included two version of Herr Wittman with this beast of…

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Preview: More SS!

The recent preview of a monocled officer from our forthcoming Waffen-SS range caused quite a stir. To keep the excitement levels up here are one or two more miniatures from this exciting range to delight you! Perfect to face off against our Bolt Action British Paras and US Airborne, these troops were Hitler’s elite –…

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Re-Released! Bolt Action Characters

As we continue to sort out the various boxes, moulds, etc from our purchase of Bolt Action we continue to find miniatures we’ve overlooked. This week we have four such gems for you. First up are two not entirely serious miniatures ideal for your ‘wierd war’ games – British Vampire Hunter Major Terntadust and his…

Bolt Action, Latest News, Showcase

Bolt Action Gallery

In our effort to bring you the best content possible here on the Warlord website, we’ve had some of our recent releases painted by far-too-talented painters. Feast your eyes on these bad boys! First off we have Raus! Dismounting Panzergrenadiers by Darren Linington. As with all Warlord miniatures these have bags of character, dynamism and…

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New Release: Bolt Action – Raus!

When we brought you one or two of the sculpts of our forthcoming Panzergrenadier range in a preview a few weeks ago they caused quite a stir and we’ve received loads of correspondence about them. Wait no longer – you can now get your hands on these models as we bring you our splendid new…