Tag: Warband

Products, SPQR

SPQR: Germania

Striking from the forests of Germania, tribes of Savage Warriors ferociously oppose any would-be invaders; now available in SPQR. The strength of a Germanic warband lies in its infantry, with most being deployed in a veritable horde of ferocious warriors. What they lacked in sophisticated tactics or quality of equipment was more than made up…

Products, SPQR

Collecting SPQR: Warlorder Charlie C’s Greeks

Warlorder Charlie C’s Greeks have distinguished themselves on the battlefield, clashing against Germanians and Romans, taking massive casualties and still defeating their foes! Get the Warband! View in Store If you’re looking to defend Athens from ferocious Spartans or marauding Thracians, this warband is a fantastic starting point. Charlie has chosen to include a horde…

Products, SPQR

Collecting SPQR: Warlorder Darren’s Macedonians

Warlorder Darren’s Macedonians took the field last week, trouncing Tom’s Iberians into the dirt! Are these Macedonian cavalry unstoppable? Get Your Warband! View in Store This warband is a fantastic starting point for anyone wanting to conquer the known world alongside Alexander and his Macedonians. Darren’s 500 Denarii warband is composed of a mounted hero…

Products, SPQR

Collecting SPQR: Warlorder Tom M’s Marked Men

Warlorder Tom M starts off his SPQR adventure by revealing the Marked Men, his warband of bloodthirsty Iberians – ready to send their enemies to the underworld! Tom M: Ever since we got the work-in-progress version of SPQR, I’ve been thinking about the kind of warband I want to run. Our range of Iberians is hugely…