Tag: Wars of Religion


Webstore: Ottoman Janissaries

The Janissaries (from the Turkish for ‘new soldier’) were the elite infantry of the Ottoman Empire. The Janissary Corps was founded in 1383 by Sultan Murad I to provide him with well-disciplined and loyal troops for his expansionist campaigns. They were recruited from Christian vassal states of the Ottoman Empire in Europe by the ‘devsirme’…


Webstore: Ottoman Janissary Command B

The Ottoman Empire was a serious threat to Christian Europe throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. The expansionist policies of Suleiman the Magnificent in the 1500’s had seen a huge Empire carved from Eastern Europe, North Africa and east into Asia. The driving forces behind this army were the expanding Janissary Corps of infantry and…


Webstore: Ottoman Janissary Command A

The Ottoman Empire was a serious threat to Christian Europe throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. The expansionist policies of Suleiman the Magnificent in the 1500’s had seen a huge Empire carved from Eastern Europe, North Africa and east into Asia. The driving forces behind this army were the expanding Janissary Corps of infantry and…


Webstore: Wars of Religion Infantry Regiment

The 16th Century was a period of conflict and discovery. All across Europe armies were formed to extend Empires and consolidate power. At the forefront was the might of the Spanish Empire which had developed the Tercio as a battlefield formation used to devastating effect. Pike blocks held the balance of power, often consisting of…