What does the boss get up to? Our illustrious leader, Mr John Stallard, has been flexing his hobby muscles; working on a Napoleonic era French Infantry Brigade from our Black Powder range.
Leading by example, John has inspired many of us to pick up our brushes and get hobbying. Mayhaps you’ll be inspired too.
John’s Brigade consists of one regiment of light infantry and three of line infantry; Voltigeurs on the left flank of course.
You’ll note that those models not in greatcoats wear a uniform from an earlier period and have a different scheme. John explains; “Painting too much beige can make for boredom!”
Ony the 1st Battalion carries the Eagle, the remainder simply carried fanions.
John has maintained a passion for wargaming for many years. This brigade is only the latest addition to his French army; a collection that encompasses around forty years.
If you have an article or collection of photos you’d like to share then drop us a line to info@warlordgames.com. We’d love to feature some of you collections!
Maybe you’d like to try your hand at some of these models yourself? Maybe even create your own brigade?