1. Two Armies
You can play a fun game with just a squad or two each, and your forces will soon expand ready for bigger battles.

2. A Rulebook
The rules explain how to fight a battle, issuing orders to your units to move, shoot or assault at close quarters.
They also cover how to pick two evenly matched forces and provide a range of exciting scenarios to fight out!

3. A Table
Some gamers like to build a fully modelled battleground, but you can have a brilliant game on the kitchen table. Try to avoid having to abandon your battle for the evening meal though.
You can even play on the floor - just watch out for careless feet or marauding cats!
4. Some Terrain
For an entertaining game of Bolt Action, it's important to give your troops some cover and objectives to seize on the battlefield. Besides, creating the scene is part of the appeal of World War 2 wargaming.
You can buy terrain or build it from scratch, but for your first few games, a pile of books serves well as a hill and a few boxes as a buildings.

5. Dice & Tape Measure
The results of combat in Bolt Action are determined by rolling six-sided dice (known as D6s for short). It's good to have quite a few, for when lots of troops are fighting.
You'll also need a tape measure or ruler because model movement and shooting ranges are measured in inches.